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Our Longview, Texas location is in the Texas Oncology-Longview Cancer Center

1300 N Fourth St
Longview, TX 75601

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Prostate seed implantation (PSI), which is also known as LDR brachytherapy, should be at the forefront of any physician-patient discussion about treatment options. 

Dr. Taylor & Dr. Hodges of Texas Prostate Seed Institute

Longview, Texas Location


Survivor Stories

With two powerful treatment options or combining them, Texas Prostate Seed Institute can help treat your prostate cancer safely and effectively so you can get back to living your life.

SURVIVOR | Carl Janssens

“I was surprised by how easy it was.” – Carl Janssens, Prostate Cancer Survivor on Brachytherapy. “[After the treatment] we walked out and went home.”


Although scientifically well documented, not enough prostate cancer patients are aware of the efficacy and advantageous side effect profile of brachytherapy, particularly Cesium-131.


Survivor Stories

With two powerful treatment options or combining them, Texas Prostate Seed Institute can help treat your prostate cancer safely and effectively so you can get back to living your life.

SURVIVOR | Dave Ricordati

During Dave’s initial diagnosis for prostate cancer, his primary care physician and his urologist did not steer him toward brachytherapy.

“Assuming you are not going to hear all of your options from your physician, and you are kind of on your own, then I always suggest people do their own homework,” says Dave. “Which is exactly what we did.” So they took to the internet. His “pillar of strength,” Dave’s wife, worked alongside him to figure out all of his options.

In most conversations with physicians, following his own research, they all seemed to say the same thing: “Let’s take it out. We will take out your entire prostate and cure your cancer.” Then he visited the Chicago Prostate Cancer Center where Dr. Brian Moran had a different treatment option, without the harsh side effects of a prostatectomy. Brachytherapy.


Survivor Stories

With two powerful treatment options or combining them, Texas Prostate Seed Institute can help treat your prostate cancer safely and effectively so you can get back to living your life.

SURVIVOR | John Aguzino

Prostate cancer survivor John Aguzino and his daughter Celeste discuss his prostate cancer treatment journey and the importance of prostate cancer support networks.

The importance of support networks for men undergoing treatment for prostate cancer can not be understated. Men might be less prone to opening up about their health, but prostate cancer is highly treatable and there are support networks available. Many of these prostate cancer support networks engage survivors to talk about the disease, treatment options and post-treatment quality of life expectations. John Aguzino is one of those survivors.


Survivor Stories

With two powerful treatment options or combining them, Texas Prostate Seed Institute can help treat your prostate cancer safely and effectively so you can get back to living your life.

SURVIVOR | Lou Lotorto

Lou was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2007. After investigating all of his options, Lou eventually chose brachytherapy.

“I never had a day when I had a regret I might have chosen the right course. We all have our second thoughts, I had none. It was a smooth operation all the way including my recovery. In essence, I never had any time I was laid up or brought down. I kept my normal, busy schedule. I never felt like my energy was flagging or that I made a wrong choice.”

Precision Prostate Seed Minimally Invasive Cancer Treatment

Trust Us

Precise Adaptive Intra-operative Planning

At Texas Prostate Seed Institute, we use a highly precise method for placing the seeds in and around your prostate. Our adaptive method allows for the most targeted radiation dose which means better cure potential with less side effects. 

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